Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse may be physical or psychological and can include harassment or pestering. It may be inflicted on anyone in a relationship and also those whose relationships have come to an end.

We aim to give sensitive and empathetic advice, but will also discuss your needs and protection, including whether you wish for an application to be made to the Court for an injunction (non-molestation order) or occupation order to be granted. A non-molestation order prohibits the inflictor from coming near you and an occupation order can exclude the perpetrator from your home. We ensure that we are as discreet as possible if we need to contact you, especially if your partner is still living with you and you are worried about him or her discovering that you have taken legal advice.

Our Family Team

Adaeze Odunukwe - Solicitor
Valerie Marowa - Solicitor

Amersham telephone: 01494 729024

Aylesbury telephone: 01296 596969

Prestwood telephone: 01494 862226

Wendover telephone: 01296 620443

To arrange an appointment to discuss with our specialist lawyers please contact the Family Department using any of the details above.
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