Unfair Dismissal

A claim for unfair dismissal is made on the basis that the dismissal breaches the employee’s statutory rights.

An employer can dismiss an employee for one or more of six potentially fair reasons that include: (a) capability (b) conduct (c) retirement (d) redundancy (e) statutory illegality (f) some other substantial reason.

Even if an employer dismisses an employee for one of the above reasons it is necessary for a fair dismissal procedure to have been followed otherwise the dismissal may be deemed unfair and the employee may make a claim against the employer.

There are a number of intricate factors which may prevent an employee from successfully claiming unfair dismissal and DC Kaye Solicitors will be able to advise you of your rights as an employer and give you guidance on how to conduct your dismissal process fairly and defend or otherwise manage a claim that is being made against you.

To arrange an appointment to discuss with our specialist lawyers please contact the Employment Department secretary Viki Summers.

Telephone: 01494 862226
Email: viki@dc-kaye.co.uk
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