Court Procedure: Tracks and Stages

The procedure that the Court follows is mostly governed by the Civil Procedure Rules. These rules can be complex and difficult to understand and comply with. If mistakes are made in following the Court procedure it can give rise to a technical defence to an otherwise good claim, or alternatively prevent a Defendant from defending a claim that they have a credible defence to. In either event, mistakes in Court procedure can harm your case and prove costly and difficult to correct later in proceedings.

We provide specialised advice to our clients as to the complexity of their case and the associated Court procedure so that they can decide what level of involvement we should have in Court proceedings.

For some small claims matters it may not be necessary or cost efficient to instruct us to fully represent you and it may be that you can progress your matter by taking advice as necessary or instructing us to draft some of the more important or complex legal documents for you.

Alternatively, where your matter is more complex or is for a high value, it will be more likely that you will require a solicitor to progress your case for you. It is always vital to correctly identify the legal arguments that you need to rely upon at the outset of your case and we will assist you with the complex requirements of the Court procedure regarding allocation, witness evidence, expert evidence, disclosure, and case management, as well as preparation for mediation/arbitration and for a final hearing or trial if settlement cannot be reached.

It is vital that these procedures are followed correctly in order for your case to be presented properly to the Court and to maximise your prospects of success.

We are committed to providing you with realistic advice as to the time scale, the legal costs and ways of easing your financial burden in funding litigation. We strive for results and our goal is always to achieve the best result for you as quickly and as economically as possible.

Our Court Procedure Team

David Williams - Solicitor, Director/Partner
Nick Hallchurch - Solicitor
Viki Summers - Litigation Assistant

To arrange an appointment to discuss with our specialist lawyers please contact our Litigation Assistants.

Amersham telephone: 01494 729024

Aylesbury telephone: 01296 596969

Prestwood telephone: 01494 862226

Wendover telephone: 01296 620443
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